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Ruby Enterprise Edition简介及安装

1 http://www.rubyenterpriseedition.com/download.html---自由安装
   rvm install ree ---rvm安装
2 Ruby Enterprise Edition (REE) 是标准Ruby解析器的改进版本,号称能够让rails应用节约1/3的内存使用量,并且有有更好的性能提高。



    The light and agile Ruby programming language remains a very popular open source scripting option for developers building today's web and even some enterprise applications. And, now, Ruby also has ...

    ruby-1.9.3-rpm:Ruby 1.9.3的RPM规范

    我基于Ruby 1.9.3和Ruby Enterprise Edition的规范进行工作。如何安装RHEL / CentOS 5/6 yum install -y rpm-build rpmdevtools readline-devel ncurses-devel gdbm-devel tcl-devel openssl-devel db4-devel byacc...

    Beginning Ruby(Apress,3ed,2016)

    The light and agile Ruby programming language remains a very popular open source scripting option for developers building today's web and even some enterprise applications. And, now, Ruby also has ...

    rails:Ruby on Rails 项目的 Squash 客户端库

    兼容性该库与 Ruby 1.8.6 及更高版本(包括 Ruby Enterprise Edition)以及 Rails 2.0 及更高版本兼容。要求唯一的依赖项是squash_ruby gem 及其依赖项。 有关更多信息,请参阅squash_ruby gem 文档: : 用法将此 ...


    这是什么规格? 来自imeyer的ruby-1.9.2-rpm项目,位于并已更新为2.0.0。 此规范是在基于RHEL的系统上尝试用1.9.2+稳定替代Ruby 1.8.x的尝试。 原始作者将其基于Ruby 1.9.2和Ruby Enterprise Edition的规范。


    Postmark-mitt已通过验证可在Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7、1.9.2和1.9.3上使用。 安装 gem install postmark - mitt 示例 require 'lib/postmark_mitt' # if you are just playing with this library email = ...


    pling-mobilant 在运行,运行规范在 Ruby 1.8.7、Ruby Enterprise Edition、Ruby 1.9.2、Ruby HEAD、JRuby、Rubinius 和 Rubinius 2。 已知的问题 请参阅。 存储库 查看并随意 fork ! 贡献者 在查看所有贡献者的...

    mule-cookbook:安装Mule ESB的厨师食谱

    在服务器上安装Mule Community或Enterprise Edition运行时。 支持平台 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Centos的7.2 Centos的6.7 用法 Mule应该在具有受限权限的单独用户下运行。 group 'mule' do end user 'mule' do manage_...


    This new edition has new chapters on Puma, performance tuning, and Java integration, and is updated to the latest versions of JRuby 9k, Rails 4, and JDK 8. JRuby is a fast, scalable, and powerful ...

    Dependency Injection

    Written primarily from a Java point-of-view, this book is appropriate for any developer with a working knowledge of object-oriented programming in Java, Ruby, or C#. About the Author Dhanji R. ...


    中标麒麟服务器操作系统-软件兼容性 软件兼容性测试列表(X86_64、X86) 分类 厂商 软件产品 版本 数据库 Oracle oracle DB 11gR2 11.2 Oracle DB 10gR2 10.2 IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) V9.7 Informix...

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